



迈克尔R. Brodeur,制药.D.、bcgp、fascp


  • Geriatric 制药acotherapy Speciality Residency (PGY-2), University of Maryland
  • 制药.D., St. 约翰的大学 
  • B.S. 药学,St. 约翰的大学


  • Geriatric 制药acotherapy Professional Elective
  • 神经/精神PTPM
  • 泌尿生殖器的PTPM
  • 老年药物治疗(APPE)


  • Dr. Brodeur’s professional sphere encompasses all facets of geriatric pharmacotherapy. He maintains an active geriatrics practice, focusing primarily on the healthcare needs of frail older adults. Areas of particular interest include the burden of anticholinergic drugs, 痴呆, 开药:开药的做法, 药物不良反应. 作为核心教员,Dr. Brodeur contributes to the Geriatric Medicine Fellowship programs at Albany Medical College/St. Peter's Health Partners, as well as the Nurse Practitioner Fellowship program at SPHP. 


  • Clinical 制药acist Specializing in Geriatric 制药acotherapy - The Eddy, St. Peter's Health Partners, Continuing Care


  • New York State Licensed 制药acist, 1998-present
  • Maryland Licensed 制药acist, 2000-present
  • Board Certified Geriatric 制药acist, 2001-present
  • 制药acist: Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) NY-2, National Medical Disaster Medical System, 部门 of Health and Human Services
  • New York State Emergency Medical Technician, 1993-present



Tran L, Brodeur先生. Optimizing 制药acotherapy for Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Older Adults: Strategies for Managing Drug Interactions. J Gerontol Nurs. 2023[出版中]. 

Tran L, Brodeur先生. Midodrine-Induced Nightmares in the Treatment of Orthostatic Hypotension: A Case Report. 高级护理药剂学,2023年[已出版]. 

贝尔太, Brodeur先生. ASCP 2021年的明智选择® recommendations: a proud accomplishment. Sr Care 制药, 2022;37(5):171-180.

Brodeur先生Rigby D. Medication Optimization and Deprescribing: Shared Decision-Making (互联网)2022. http://www.ascp.com/page/Deprescribing

贝尔, Brodeur先生格雷·S,里格比·D. American Board of Internal Medicine. 明智地选择主动. American Society of Consultant 制药acist Statements. (互联网)2022. http://www.choosingwisely.org/societies/american-society-of-consultant… 

本森KM,曼奇尼AA, Brodeur先生. A review of topical povidone-iodine to decrease viral load. 中西医结合杂志,2011;36(5):238-241.

达文波特C, Brodeur米, Wolff M, 温顺的PD, crich CJ. Decisional Guidance Tool for Antibiotic Prescribing in the Skilled Nursing Facility. [J] Geriatr Soc. 2020;68(1):55-61.

Pruyn S, Frey J, Baker B, Brodeur先生, Long H, Graichen C, Dailey M, Zheng H. Quality Assessment of Expired Naloxone Products from First-Responders' Supplies. Prehospital Emergency Care 2018;1-7. 

Persico A, Ngai K, Brodeur先生. Students' Perspectives on Nebulized Drugs and Nebulizer Maintenance. 顾问药剂师. 咨询制药. 2017年9月1日;32(9):519-524. doi: 10.4140 / TCP.n.2017.519.

Taggart A, Estus E, Boumeester C, Emptage R, Lee J, Mahan R, Slattum PW, Vouri SM, Brodeur先生尼霍夫KM. Geriatric 制药acy Curriculum Guide, 3rd Edition. 2015. American Society of Consultant 制药acists.

温顺的PD, Brodeur先生. Palliative medicine issues- constipation /diarrhea. 在史密斯H(编辑). The Art and Science of Palliative Medicine. 2015.

Brodeur先生. Respiratory Disorders in Geriatric. 在哈钦森睡眠,ed.. Geriatric 制药acotherapy an Evidence Based Approach, 2nd Edition. 2015.

Brodeur先生鲍姆斯特. 老年病学. In: Soric MM编辑.  Maximize Your Rotations: ASHP’s Student Guide to IPPEs, APPEs, and Beyond, 1st ed. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System 制药acists. 2013: 223-242.

Wolff ML, Kewley R, Hassett M, Collins J, Brodeur先生诺克斯·S. Falls in Skilled Nursing Facilities Associated with Opioid Use (research letter). [J] Geriatr Soc. 2012年5月,60 (5):987.

Brodeur先生. 老年泌尿系统疾病. In: Alledrege BK, Corelli RL, Ernst ME, Guglielmo BJ, eds. Koda-Kimble & Young’s Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs. 10日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012:2395-2416.

Zeolla毫米, Brodeur先生, Dominelli A, Haines ST, Allie ND. Development and Validation of an Instrument to Determine Patient Knowledge: The Oral Anticoagulation Knowledge (OAK) Test. 安法莫瑟2006;40:633-638.


Brodeur先生. Medication Selection in the Spotlight. New York Medical Directors Association. 奥尔巴尼,纽约. 2023年5月17日.

Brodeur先生比尔·M. Choosing Wisely: Medication Selection in the Spotlight. American Society of Consultant 制药acists Annual Meeting. 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州. 2022年11月4日. 

Brodeur先生. ASCP明智地选择陈述. American College of Clinical 制药acy, New York State Chapter. 奥尔巴尼,纽约. 2022年10月28日. 

Brodeur先生比尔·M. Choosing Wisely: A Timely Imperative to Educate and Implement! American Society of Consultant 制药acists Annual Meeting. 圣地亚哥,加州. 2021年11月5日. 

Brodeur先生比尔·M. Choosing Wisely: A 2020 Update from the Deprescribing Task Force. American Society of Consultant 制药acists Annual Meeting. FL基. 2020年11月15日. 

Brodeur先生. Deprescribing Benzodiazepines - Have No Anxiety 全球十大赌博靠谱的平台 It. American Society of Consultant 制药acist 50th Annual Meeting. 达拉斯,德克萨斯. 2019年11月9日.

Brodeur先生. Timely Topics Deprescribing in Older Adults. Albany College of 制药acy and 健康科学 Office of 继续教育 and Professional Development. 2019年10月3日.

Brodeur先生. Beer’s Criteria Update and Deprescribing. 1st Annual International 老年病学 Symposium. 普莱西德湖,纽约州. 2019年9月18日. 

Brodeur先生. Polypharmacy and Deprescribing in Older Adults. Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) Maine Quality Counts Maine Medical Education Trust. 2019年6月27日.

Brodeur先生. Update in Geriatric 制药acotherapy: A Focus on Deprescribing. Explore Aging Conference, SUNY Plattsburg/University of Vermont Health Network. 2018年10月9日.

Brodeur先生. 药物治疗和跌倒. New York State Council of Health-system 制药acists Northeast Chapter. 2017年9月28日.

Brodeur先生. Deprescribing. 首都地区药师学会. 2017年9月14日.

Brodeur先生. 综合药房和瀑布. 老年医学研讨会. 研究生教育办公室. Albany College of 制药acy and 健康科学. 2017年3月16日.

Troen B. Brodeur先生. Falls and Their Prevention: A 老年病学 and 制药acological Imperative Fall Risk Identification and Intervention for the Community-Dwelling Older Adult. 公共卫生 Live, SUNY School of 公共卫生. 2016年10月20日. 通过网络直播: http://www.albany.edu/sph/cphce/phl.shtml 

Brodeur先生. Pill Pruning - The Art and Science of Deprescribing.  研究生教育办公室. Albany College of 制药acy and 健康科学. 2016年6月8日.

Brodeur先生. Pain Management in an Era of Uncertainty. 制药acist Society of the State of New York (PSSNY). 2016仲冬会议. 纽约萨拉托加. 2016年1月30日.