



Allison米. Burton-Chase, PH值.D. (她/她)


  • B.S. 心理学,路易斯安那州立大学,巴吞鲁日,洛杉矶
  • Ph.D. 南佛罗里达大学,坦帕,佛罗里达州,老年学和衰老研究 


  • 死亡与临终
  • 普通心理学
  • 健康心理学
  • 卫生专业研讨会
  • 公共卫生顶点


  • My primary area of research is on the behavioral aspects of cancer prevention and survivorship in families with hereditary cancer syndromes. 具体地说, 我对开发干预措施来改善这一人群的健康行为很感兴趣, 重点是改善医患沟通. Recent projects include comparing Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancer survivors with sporadic controls to examine similarities and differences in the cancer survivorship experience and examining screening behaviors and patient-provider communication regarding gynecologic cancer risk for women with Lynch syndrome.


  • 博士后研究员, 初级保健保健服务研究中心, 达勒姆VAMC, 达勒姆, NC
  • 研究助理, 内科医学部, 医学系, 杜克大学医学中心, 达勒姆, NC
  • 博士后研究员, 行为科学系, MD安德森癌症中心, 休斯顿, TX



Sun CC, Daniels MS, Bodurka DC, Nebgen D, Burton-Chase我,陆洪,彼得森SK. 女性对Lynch综合征癌症风险管理策略的偏好. 妇科肿瘤 (全球十大赌博靠谱的平台).

亨尼希K、B级解码器,朱瑞, 帕克WM, Campo-Engelstein L, Burton-Chase我. (2018) Lynch综合征患者教育卫生保健提供者的定性研究. 患者体验日志, 5(3),第十二条.

Burton-Chase我, 帕克WM, Donato公里, 麦考密克年代, Gritz E, 阿莫斯CI, 陆KH, 林奇点, Rodriguez-Bigas马, 你YN, 彼得森SK. 2018. Health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors: Are there differences between sporadic and hereditary patients?” 患者报告结果杂志, 2, 21.

Silvera,年代. A. N., Burton-Chase,. M.菲利普斯,L.汤普森,C. L.斯托利,M.Chang, S. (in press) Creating and managing a work/life balance as a junior investigator in the academic environment – A report from the American Society of Preventive Oncology’s Junior Members Interest Group. 癌症流行病学,生物标志物 & 预防.

Burton-Chase,. M.W .帕克. M.多纳托,K.麦考密克,S.格里茨,E. R.阿莫斯,C. I.,卢,K. H.林奇,P. M.罗德里格斯-比加斯,M. A.,你,Y. N., & 彼得森,年代. K. (2018) Health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors: Are there differences between sporadic and hereditary patients? 患者报告结果杂志, 2, 21.

Burton-Chase,. M.W .帕克. M.波利夫卡,K. M.格里茨,E. R.阿莫斯,C. I.,卢,K. H.林奇,P. M.罗德里格斯-比加斯,M. A.,你,Y. N., & 彼得森,年代. K. (2017) A comparison between Lynch syndrome and sporadic colorectal cancer survivors’ satisfaction with their health care providers. 癌症医学, 6(3); 698-707.

Katz, L. H., Burton-Chase,. M.阿德瓦尼,S.费尔曼,F.波利夫卡,K. M.,英,Y.林奇,P. M.潘德,M., & 彼得森,年代. K. (2017) Cancer screening behaviors and risk perceptions among family members of colorectal cancer patients with unexplained mismatch repair deficiency. 家族性癌症, 2(16); 231-237.

Burton-Chase,. M.W .帕克. M.亨尼格,K.西森,F., & Bruzzone L. (2017) The use of social media to recruit participants with rare conditions: Lynch syndrome as an example. JMIR研究协议, 6(1); e12.

Rogith D.优素福,R. A.S . Hovick. R.费尔曼,B. M.彼得森,S。. K., Burton-Chase,. M.李,Y.伯恩萨姆,E. V. 马克-伯恩斯坦,F. (2016)个性化癌症治疗的患者知识和信息寻求. 国际医学信息学杂志, 88; 52-57.

Katz, L. H., Burton-Chase,. M.阿德瓦尼,S.费尔曼,F.波利夫卡,K.,英,Y.林奇,P. M.潘德,M., & 彼得森,年代. K. (2016) Screening adherence and cancer risk perceptions in colorectal cancer survivors with Lynch-like syndrome. 临床遗传学, 89 (3); 392-398.

Burton-Chase,. M.斯沃茨,M. C.西尔维拉,美国. A. N.巴森-英格斯特,K.弗莱彻,F. E., & 盾牌,P. G. (2015) Know your value: Negotiation skills development for junior investigators in the academic environment-a report from the American Society of Preventive Oncology’s Junior Members Interest Group. 癌症流行病学,生物标志物 & 预防、 24 (7); 1144-1148.

优素福,R.A.罗吉斯,D.S . Hovick. R.彼得森,S。. K., Burton-Chase,. M.费尔曼,B. M.李,Y.麦金尼,C.伯恩斯坦,E. V.马克-伯恩斯坦,F. (2015)对个性化癌症治疗分子检测的态度. 癌症, 121 (2); 248-250.

Hovick,年代. R.山崎,J., Burton-Chase,. M.彼得森,S。. K. (2015). 非裔美国老年人家庭健康史交流模式. 健康传播杂志, 20 (1); 80-87.

Gritz E. R.阿诺德,K. B.莫因普尔,C. M., Burton-Chase,. M.[J]. F.你看,W.A.利伯,M. M.卡吉亚诺,V.穆迪-托马斯,S.斯切帕内克,C.Ryan, A.卡林,南卡罗来纳州.希尔,南卡罗来纳州.古德曼,P.帕德伯格,R.M.米纳斯,L.梅斯肯斯,F. L., & 汤普森,小., I. M. (2014). Factors associated with adherence to an end-of-study biopsy: Lessons from the Prostate Cancer 预防 Trial (SWOG-Coordinated Intergroup Study S9217). 癌症流行病学,生物标志物 & 预防、 23 (8); 1638-1648.

Rogith D.优素福,R. A.S . Hovick. R.彼得森,S。. K., Burton-Chase,. M.李,Y.马克-伯恩斯坦,F.伯恩萨姆,E. V. (2014). 个性化癌症治疗中对基因组信息隐私的态度. 美国医学信息学协会杂志, 21; e320-e325 doi:10.1136 / amiajnl - 2013 - 002579.

Burton-Chase,. M.S . Hovick. R.,孙,C. C.博伊德-罗杰斯,S.林奇,P. M.,卢,K. H., & 彼得森,年代. K. (2014). Gynecologic cancer screening and communication with health care providers in women with Lynch syndrome. 临床遗传学, 86 (2), 185-189.

三级跳远,J. M.图尔斯基,J. A.约翰逊,K。. S.奥尔森,M. K., Burton-Chase,. M.林德奎斯特,J. H.齐默尔曼,S. I., & steinhaus指出K. E. (2014). 晚期慢性疾病和生命最后一年的护理经验. 美国老年医学会杂志, 62 (6), 1082-1090.

Burton-Chase,. M.S . Hovick. R.彼得森,S。. K.马拉尼,S. K.弗农,南卡罗来纳州. W.阿莫斯,C. I.弗雷泽,M. L.林奇,P. M., & Gritz E. R. (2013).  Changes in screening behaviors and attitudes toward screening from pre-test genetic counseling to post-disclosure in Lynch syndrome families. 临床遗传学, 83, 215-220.


亨尼希K大厅P摩尔K,伯顿-蔡斯AM. Lynch综合征患者的高级护理计划. Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 加州圣地亚哥, 2018年10月(海报展示).

Burton-Chase我. 谈判:策略和最佳实践. 美国预防肿瘤学会年会(ASPO), 西雅图佤邦, 2018年3月(研讨会小组成员).

伯顿-蔡斯AM,杜宾R,杜宾D. 英雄注册表:合作的机会. 美国预防肿瘤学会年会(ASPO), 纽约, 2018年3月(海报展示).

伯顿-蔡斯AM,杜宾R,杜宾D. 英雄注册表:合作的机会. 妇科肿瘤学会妇女癌症年会, 新奥尔良洛杉矶, 2018年3月(海报展示).

马特奥T,伯顿-蔡斯AM,帕克WM. Experiences with screening and surveillance: Evidence from a mixed methods study of women with Lynch syndrome. 第六届首都地区女性主义研究联合会年会, 奥尔巴尼纽约, 2018年1月(海报展示).

Burton-Chase,.M.杜宾,R.杜宾,D. 英雄注册表:合作的机会. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the 美国预防肿瘤学会(ASPO), 纽约, 03/2018

Donato K.M.摩尔,K.W .帕克.M.彼得森,S。.K.格里茨,E.R.阿莫斯,C.,卢,K.H.林奇,P.M.罗德里格斯-比加斯,M.A.,你,N.伯顿-蔡斯,A.M. Health behaviors and preventive screening in female colorectal cancer survivors with and without Lynch syndrome. 在美国预防肿瘤学会(ASPO)年会上展示的海报, 西雅图, WA. 03/2017

Burton-Chase,.M.亨尼格,K.LeBorgne A.,朱瑞.坎波-恩格尔斯坦,L.W .帕克.  The impact of care coordination on provider satisfaction in Lynch syndrome survivors and previvors. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 西雅图, WA. 10/2016

亨尼希,K.,朱瑞.、B级解码器.LeBorgne A.W .帕克.坎波-恩格尔斯坦,L.伯顿-蔡斯,A.M.  The impact of care coordination on provider satisfaction in Lynch syndrome survivors and previvors. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 西雅图, WA. 10/2016

Chikermane,年代.波利梅尼,J.伯顿-蔡斯,A. M.钱德拉塞卡拉,R.奥格雷迪,T. 教育和其他社会经济变量对俄罗斯艾滋病毒血清患病率的影响, 印度, 南非, 和美利坚合众国. Poster presented at the 21st Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics 研究 (ISPOR), 华盛顿, DC. 05/2016

Burton-Chase,. M. 林奇综合征幸存者和前患者的护理和提供者满意度的转变. Oral presentation given at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 巴尔的摩, MD. 10/2015

帕克,W. M.多纳托,K. M.伯顿-蔡斯,A. M. Preventive screening and risk for women with Lynch syndrome: Initial results of a case-control study. Poster presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 巴尔的摩, MD. 10/2015

Burton-Chase,. M.W .帕克. M. Provider satisfaction in colorectal cancer patients: A comparison between Lynch syndrome and sporadic survivors. 在美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市举行的卫生学院年度研究会议上发表的海报. 06/2015

联合主席. Creating and Managing a Work-Life Balance in the Academic Environment: Strategies for Junior Investigators. Seminar presented at the annual meeting of the 美国预防肿瘤学会(ASPO), 伯明翰, AL. 03/2015

Rogith D.优素福,R. A.S . Hovick. R.彼得森,S。. K.伯顿-蔡斯,A. M.李,Y.伯恩萨姆,E. V.马克-伯恩斯坦,F. 寻求个性化癌症治疗的知识和信息. 海报在圣安东尼奥乳腺癌研讨会,圣安东尼奥,得克萨斯州. 12/2014

彼得森,年代. K.S . Hovick. R.伯顿-蔡斯,A. M., Ba, F.巴森-英格斯特,K.菲什,M.博茨,n.n.霍兰,T.B.斯廷戈,F.伊兹基耶多,R.加尔文,C.里伯,A. Preferences for eHealth technology in meeting the health information eeds of underserved cancer survivors. Oral presentation given at IPOS 16th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy, 里斯本, 葡萄牙. 10/2014. 精神肿瘤学,23(增刊s3), 73-74.

Burton-Chase,. M.W .帕克. M.波利夫卡,K. M.格里茨,E. R.阿莫斯,C. I.弗雷泽,M. L.,卢,K. H.林奇,P. M.罗德里格斯-比加斯,M. A.,你,Y. N., & 彼得森,年代. K. Provider satisfaction in colorectal cancer patients: A comparison between Lynch syndrome and sporadic survivors. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 新奥尔良, LA. 09/2014

彼得森,年代. K.伯顿-蔡斯,A. M.加尔文,C.麦克劳克林,J.伊兹基耶多,R., & 阿斯顿,M. Using e-Health technology to facilitate genetic risk communication in Lynch syndrome families. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 新奥尔良, LA. 09/2014

Katz, L. H.伯顿-蔡斯,A. M.阿德瓦尼,S.费尔曼,F.波利夫卡,K.,英,Y.林奇,P. M.潘德,M., & 彼得森,年代. K. Cancer risk perceptions and screening behaviors in family members of colorectal cancer survivors with Lynch-like syndrome. Oral presentation given at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 新奥尔良, LA. 09/2014

Katz, L. H.伯顿-蔡斯,A. M.阿德瓦尼,S.费尔曼,F.波利夫卡,K.#,英,Y.林奇,P. M.潘德,M., & 彼得森,年代. K. Screening adherence and cancer risk perceptions in colorectal cancer survivors with Lynch-like syndrome. Oral presentation given at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 新奥尔良, LA. 09/2014. Gastroenterology, 148 (4; supplement 1), su1951.

彼得森,年代. K.伯顿-蔡斯,A. M.加尔文,C.麦克劳克林,J.伊兹基耶多,R., & 阿斯顿,M. Facilitating family genetic risk communication in Lynch syndrome: Potential role of e-Health technology. 2014年美国行为医学学会年会上的海报. 费城,宾夕法尼亚州. 04/2014. 行为医学年鉴,47(增刊),s247.

加尔文,C.伯顿-蔡斯,A. M.阿斯金斯,M.麦克劳克林,J.伊兹基耶多,R., & 彼得森,年代. K. Internet health information sources for hereditary colon cancer and their perceived trustworthiness. 2014年美国行为医学学会年会上的海报. 费城,宾夕法尼亚州. 04/2014. 行为医学年鉴,47(增刊),s193.

椅子. 学术环境下初级调查员谈判技巧的发展. Seminar presented at the annual meeting of the 美国预防肿瘤学会(ASPO), 阿灵顿, VA. 03/2014



早期职业特别兴趣小组主席, 美国预防肿瘤学会(ASPO), 2018年至今